Seviceteam RDM@KIT Staff

The KIT Library advises and supports scientists, e.g. in the preparation of a data management plan (DMP), the allocation of licenses, the preparation of metadata, the search for suitable repositories to store research data, or the development of repositories.


As KIT's computer center, the SCC provides an infrastructure for the storage of research data within the research data life cycle. The mission to store data within the LSDF and especially to store research data for institutions in Baden-Württemberg in bwDataArchive is focused on bitstream preservation.


The Digital Office guides KIT in digitalization, generally evaluates the possibilities and benefits of digitalization for KIT, and drives it forward. The Digital Office advises and supports KIT‘s management level in its responsibility in this regard. As part of the STAB staff unit, it is directly assigned to the President and CIO / CDO and supports both in their responsibility for developing and implementing the digitalization strategy within the framework of the Overarching KIT 2025 Strategy.


FOR is the central contact for the acquisition of research funds. Advice is provided for scientists on funding programmes and instruments of the DFG, the federal government, the state, foundations, Helmholtz Association, the EU and other international funding agencies. Furthermore FOR informs about requirements and specifications regarding research data management set by third-party funders for research proposals.


The service unit IRM is the central partner for KIT employees, the protectability of research data and their commercialization. IRM's broad range of support services for employees extends to all aspects of modern technology transfer, from inventor consulting and technology marketing, financing of transfer projects to licensing.


KIT Archive serves as long-term memory of the institution. This comprises information about the structure of research projects, terms of cooperation and the use of research data.


Title Name Phone Email Responsibilities
Dr. alexandra axtmann does-not-exist.kit edu Support
  valerie boda does-not-exist.kit edu Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles
Dr. rene caspart does-not-exist.kit edu Research Software Engineering
Dr.-Ing. arnd koeppe does-not-exist.kit edu Exzellenzcluster POLiS
  claudia kramer does-not-exist.kit edu Support, Head Serviceteam
  jan kroeger does-not-exist.kit edu Business Relationship Manager for Research and Innovation at Digital Office, Coordination of the EXU-Measure RDM
Dr.   Support
Dr. klaus nippert does-not-exist.kit edu KIT-Archive
Dr. rainer stotzka does-not-exist.kit edu Data Manager
Prof. Dr. achim streit does-not-exist.kit edu Director of the Scientific Computing Center (SCC)
Dr. wolfgang suess does-not-exist.kit edu Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC)
  frank tristram does-not-exist.kit edu Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O
  robert ulrich does-not-exist.kit edu IT-Services, re3data, Serviceteam RDM@KIT, AK-FDM-BW, DataHub Earth and Environment
Dr. PhD Environmental Science kerstin wedlich does-not-exist.kit edu Training and Support, RDMO
8 additional persons visible within KIT only.