Contact point for legal issues at RDM

The contact point for legal issues offers first level support for legal issues in research data management in the context of your research project.
First Level Support: Linda Sefrin
Contact adress:
Phone: 0721-608-43106
E-Mail: rechtsfragen∂
Consultation hours on thursdays from 13:30-14:30, only by prior appointment by e-mail or phone
It is not possible to make generalised and legally binding statements at this point. The information provided by the contact point for legal issues in the FDM cannot replace the advice of the legal advisors, the DE RECHT (German only) and the listed contact persons at KIT in individual cases.
- Contact persons for contractual arrangements with KIT: DE RECHT (German only)
- Legal issues relating to studying and teaching as well as Higher Education Law at KIT: HAA (German only)
- Data protection, Datenschutz am KIT (German only)
- Ethical issues of good scientific practice at KIT:
- Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles at KIT (Office GWP)
- Contact persons for questions of good scientific practice: Ombudspersons for Good Research Practice
- Contact persons for ethical questions of good scientific practice: Ombudspersons for Ethical Principles
- Ethical Committee of KIT
- Contact for personnel law issues at KIT: PSE
- Contact person Innovation and Relations Management at KIT: IRM
In Art. 5 para. 3 of the Basic Law, our constitution protects the freedom of science, research and teaching. However, this freedom has its limits in other legal positions and may be restricted by legal regulations or contractual agreements.
Many areas of law are relevant to research data management. We have compiled a small selection of questions in FAQs. The legal texts can be viewed via the database juris database. KIT members can also use the database remotely after logging in. in the database.
Further information from our cooperation partners: - Rechte und Pflichten (German only)
BERD@NFDI - Legal Questions in Data Science
NFDI Section ELSA - Ethical, Legal & Social Aspects